laika by pigeon watch

the title laika is pretty obviously an homage to Laika the soviet space dog, may she rest in peace, and this is reflected in the lyrics as well, probably most obviously in the repeated line bon voyage. really, you can take this entire song to be a heartbreaking lament from the perspective of laika in the spaceship. i'll say now before i get into it, i'm gonna get into analysing both the lyrics + the music through this lense, and so if animal death is something that upsets you, or you just think hearing all this will be upsetting, then don't read the rest of this!!! i've got plenty of other song rambles and i'd much rather that you, whoever you may be, look after yourself rather than reading my bullshit thoughts. with that being said, let's get into it.

its 00:25 and i just thought does this song class as rpf?? something to think about
18:24 on a different day: rdf. real dog fiction


verse one

it's always been cold
it's always been scary
but you know the things you know
and that makes it fine

and i never questioned
in the way that you questioned
but what could i have possibly said
to change up your mind

if we take the song to go in chronological order, it's always been cold/it's always been scary is therefore then presumably referencing that Laika was a stray dog before she was taken in by the scientists, who were specifically looking for stray female dogs. for her, life was always cold and scary. the vague phrase of the things you know links to the fact that Laika didn't actually know what the scientists were using her for (since she was a Dog), and therefore can't articulate what they know. and that makes it fine suggests an element of spitefullness a similar idea is presented in the next stanza: and i never questioned/in the way that you questioned could be seen to be referencing that she didn't know what was happening, you know, she couldn't comprehend space exploration or the like. and by contrast, the scientists of course did question!

verse two

and there were tests
that i must have passed
you were doing something great
that was not meant to last

and no one quite said it
but i understood
it was only a matter of time
it was all for a matter of good

and there were tests/that i might have passed presumably refers to the scoentists

verse three

and i don't think
you were that bad
there were days when i saw the life
that i could have had

i could have been loved
spent days in the sun
to warm up my back
while i run

verse four

but i'd gotten used
to the cold
and it started to get hotter
like i'd never been told

but what's there to do?
put me to use
the data will be worth it
you can use up that excuse

i'd gotten used/to the cold functions both as a reference back to Laika's early life, as well as the coldness of space (and i would assume inside the space craft) that Laika would be experiencing. and it started to get hotter is referring to the fact that the heat shield failed, leading the temperature in the capsule to rise to a lethal level- like i'd never been told is perhaps because of the unplanned nature of Laika's fate. the scientists knew that she would die on the mission, but not in this way. the next stanza (can i call it a stanza?in songs??) has a completely justified sense of bitterness to it; the rhetorical question of but what's there to do? presents Laika as being resigned to her fate, but the phrasing of you can use up that excuse comes across as more spitefull. the data will be worth it acknowledges the bittersweet truth of Laika's death, in that her involuntary sacrifice helped to pave the way for human exploration. even though animal rights movements weren't QUITE as prominent as they are today, there was still much outrage over Laika being put [] to use, and this was argued against by the soviet scientists involved by showing the improved data they got because of her.


and it gets hotter
and it gets hotter
and it gets hotter
it only gets hotter

this is where they really kick you in the stomach till you bleed on the ground, so to speak.

ok, i have to make a confession here. originally this last section was a super unnecessarily long deepdive in trying to find if pigeon watch had any more music, and involved discovering many strange and unrelated things on the way. however, by simply briefly engaging with my Nemesis (tiktok) i have found that pigeon watch is Unbelilyevable on tiktok and youtube, and does have more music than just laika!!! you can find unbelilyevable on youtube here :) uyeah this is a pretty anticlimactic ending incomparison to my previous and now unseen excavating, but go listen to laika anyway!!! i like it a lot